Customer testimonials

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On-line workshop for Employers:

Not Missing out on the Benefits of Inclusion


Michelle Fenwick is Programme Director for Developing the Young Workforce, Edinburgh, Midlothian & East Lothian Regional Group:

We support our partners to inform, inspire and hire young people. Research identified unconscious and affinity bias, recruitment methods and some perceptions were creating a divide between those who actively engaged with young people in education and recruited young people and those who could.    We worked with Robert to raise awareness of inclusive leadership in our region. Robert approached our project professionally and honestly, seeking to determine our needs and deliver the impact we desired.  Feedback from participants was really positive and we are currently evaluating longer term impact.

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Providing insightful and personally transformative training


Rachel Treece is CEO at fts global, helping clients improve how they lead, transform, communicate and sell through customised programmes. Rachel is also CEO of the Henka Institiute, which brings together experts from around the globe to deliver global training and coaching certification programmes which release employee talent and potential.

Robert has designed, developed and delivered a full day Inclusive Leadership training programme for us. He developed and delivered two highly topical half-day modules on Self-Discipline whilst working remotely and working in a mindful way. He’s trained over 320 delegates in 35 courses for us, such as Stakeholder Management, Engaging and Motivating Others and Building Resilience.

Robert’s unwavering professionalism and his ability to relate to our clients has contributed hugely to the impact of his delivery and programmes – from development to execution.  His interventions impact the individual in their work but also on a personal level, assisted by his ability to share his own personal path of learning and create a psychological safe space for participants to be vulnerable in the journey of discovery and learning.

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Helping an organisation widen its appeal

National Trust for Scotland event

Mark Bishop is Director of Customer & Cause, National Trust for Scotland

Robert made a speculative approach which showed he was good at identifying an opportunity for the National Trust for Scotland to consider areas for positive change. One of our values at the Trust is ‘curious’ and Robert was a brilliant example of this: he really wanted to help us understand more.

The specific piece of work Robert developed with us was to look at quick wins to challenge invisible barriers we had that were impacting the way we engage the LGBT community. Together we hosted a reception at the Georgian House to discuss areas where change was possible, at speed.

Following the session the Trust has overtly been more representative in its advertising, website content and in brochures (e.g. weddings). The Trust also introduced a new Joint Adult category so that same-sex couples could see that there is a membership category that was ‘for them’ as opposed to having to join as two Individual Adults or take Family Membership. This new category was easy to implement and is proving very popular.